
I cannot connect my Saeco Espresso Machine to my home Wi-Fi network

If you are having trouble connecting your Saeco Espresso Machine to your Wi-Fi network, here you can find why it may be happening and the solutions to easily fix them yourself.Home network not visible on the network listIf your home network does not appear on the available network list, please check the following:

•    Connect your coffee machine to a 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n home Wi-Fi network. (5 GHz is not supported)
•    If your home Wi-Fi network name (SSID) is hidden, your espresso machine will not be able to detect it. Temporarily reconfigure your home router to expose the Wi-Fi network name. After connecting successfully, the Wi-Fi network name can return to hidden again. 
Home Wi-Fi settings issuesPlease go through the following checklist to solve other possible connectivity issues with your Saeco Espresso Machine:

•    Reset the local router/Wi-Fi access point and run the Wi-Fi setup for a 2nd time
•    Ensure you have provided the correct password credentials
•    Place your machine closer to the router/Wi-Fi access point and try again
•    Connect your coffee machine to a 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n home Wi-Fi network. (5 GHz is not supported)

Try running the Wi-Fi setup again and follow the instructions on the screen.
The Wi-Fi Connection is lostIf your Saeco Espresso Machine has lost connection to your home Wi-Fi network, please check the following:
•    Your home network is working correctly (internet connection is available)
•    The router / Wi-Fi password did not change
•    The machine is switched On
•    The machine is not too far away from the router
•    The machine is not too close to other objects and/or appliances that could block the Wi-Fi signal.

If the solutions provided are not solving the issue, please contact us for further assistance.
