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How to use Amazon Alexa functions with my Saeco Xelsis or Saeco GranAroma Deluxe Espresso Machine

Find out how to use Amazon Alexa's functions with your Saeco Xelsis or Saeco GranAroma Deluxe Espresso Machine in our article below.Install and use the Amazon smart reorder serviceActivate Amazon Smart Reorder to never run out of important maintenance products like AquaClean and Decalcifier and to enjoy the best-quality coffee from your Saeco machine. This feature is available in certain countries such as France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Please refer to the section "Alexa-supported languages and countries" for more information.

Follow the steps below or watch the video guide to set up and connect your machine to the Amazon Smart Reorder service:

1. Connect your Saeco machine to your local Wi-Fi network.
2. Accept the privacy consent and terms, and ensure that the latest software version is installed on your machine.
3. Create your Saeco account and link your machine with your account.
4. Create an Amazon account in the same country as your Saeco account if you do not have one already.
5. Open the Alexa app on your mobile device and search for the "Saeco skill" for Amazon Alexa. Enable it.
6. Follow the instructions in the app to link your Amazon and Saeco accounts.
7. Provide Amazon with your privacy consent and smart reorder consent to allow data sharing.

In the app, select your Saeco machine and click on "Supplies". Then, select the Amazon Smart Reorder service of your choice and follow the on-screen instructions.
Install and use the Amazon Alexa voice serviceAmazon Alexa now features new voice commands that enable you to power your machine on and off and brew standard recipes simply by using your voice. It is important to note that the availability of this function may vary by region, so please refer to the section "Alexa-supported languages and countries" for more information.

To set up and connect your machine to the Amazon voice service, follow the instructions below:

1. Connect your Saeco machine to your local Wi-Fi network.
2. Accept the privacy consent and terms, and ensure that the software version 01.07.11 or higher is installed on your machine.
3. Create your Saeco account and connect your machine with your Saeco account.
4. Create an Amazon account in the same country as your Saeco account, or make sure that you have one already.
5. Ensure that the echo/speaker device and Saeco machine are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
6. Open the Alexa app on your mobile device, search for "Saeco skill" in the "Skills & Games" section, and select "enable to use".
7. Follow the instructions in the app to link your Amazon and Saeco accounts. In the Alexa app, provide your Saeco account credentials.
8. Provide Amazon with your privacy consent and allow it to share data with Amazon.
9. Tap the button to connect with Alexa. After some processing time, you will receive a confirmation that your Saeco account is successfully linked, and you can close the account linking page in the app.
10. The Alexa app will search for your Saeco machine and prompt you when it is found. Follow the instructions in the app to finish the setup process. Your machine is now ready to use with Alexa voice commands.

To check if the Amazon linking was successful, go to the "Settings" menu of your machine and check if the Amazon Alexa card states "Amazon Connected". If the message states "Not active", tap the card to refresh the status.

to turn your machine on or off, simply invoke Alexa with the following commands:

• "Alexa, Switch on the coffee machine."
• "Alexa, Turn the espresso machine on."

However, for brewing or cancelling a brew, you need to pass through Saeco explicitly. To do so, try the following commands:

• "Alexa, open Saeco. (Wait for Alexa welcome message) Brew me /something/"
• "Alexa, tell Saeco to brew me /something/"
• "Alexa, ask Saeco to brew me /something/"

In the "Saeco skills" description in the Alexa app, you will find more examples of available voice commands.
Alexa-supported languages and countriesAlexa currently supports voice commands in the local languages of France, Germany, Spain and Italy. However, in most other countries such as Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Portugal, voice commands can only be executed in English. Please note that the availability of Alexa features is subject to change or withdrawal at any time without notice.

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