What does this mean?
Saeco is a Philips Domestic Appliances brand.
As a result of your consent, Philips Domestic Appliances group companies may contact you with promotional communications via email, SMS and other digital channels, such as mobile apps and social media. To be able to tailor the communications to your preferences and behaviour and provide you with the best, personalised experience, we may analyse and combine your personal data. This data may include:
Data that you share with us such as: your name, date of birth or age, email address, physical address, country, gender, phone number, social media profile.
Data we get from your interactions with Philips Domestic Appliances
Data about your interactions and usage of the Philips Domestic Appliances digital channels, such as social media, websites, emails, apps and connected products. This data may include: IP address, cookies, device information, communications you click on, location details, and websites you visit.
Philips Domestic Appliances will give you the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time when the data processing is based on consent.
For more information, please read the Philips Domestic Appliances Privacy notice and the Philips Domestic Appliances Cookie notice.